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Burn Belly Fat Fast - Discover Best Techniques For Burning Tummy Fat Fast

Stay away from very low calorie diet plans​


If you try to burn belly fat with diets that are very low in calories, then your metabolism slows down. Studies have shown that such extreme diets can slow down the metabolic rate by up 45%. You will also lose muscle, when you try to burn belly fat with diets that are very low on calories. Studies show that up to 50% of the weight loss can come from lean body tissue and water weight (how to burn belly fat at home). It is essential to build and maintain as much muscle mass as possible, because muscle accelerates your metabolic rate and you lose more calories.


Are you really working hard and still finding it very hard to lose stomach fat?  If so, you could very well be an endomorph. Some find it very easy to lose tummy fat, while others find it very hard to lose anything at all. An endomorph is someone who is prone to storing body fat and has a slow metabolism. An endomorph is someone who has medium to large joints and a large frame. In this article I will help you lose belly fat more easily, by giving you some really essential fat loss tips.


When you see someone consuming tons of calories and eating all kinds of fattening foods - yet still burn belly fat - then it can be hard to take. But if you happen to be an endomorph, then you have to be really strict with your diet nearly all the time and you also need to have high levels of discipline. A large amount of cardio is nearly always necessary to achieve decent results (how to burn belly fat faster). Here are some things you need to focus on, if you want to lose tummy fat effectively.

Perform aerobics more often


Everybody is different and although doing 40-45 minutes of cardio per session should be enough to lose belly fat, then very often it is not. Increasing the frequency of your cardio workouts, is the strategy you can use, when your cardio session are already long and calorie intake low. Increasing the frequency of your aerobic workouts, is another thing that is very helpful for a lot of people. Usually beginners start out with doing cardio 3 times per week and usually it works really well. And you should only make changes to your diet or exercise program, if you are not getting results. But if you are not getting results, then exercising 4 times a week, is certainly better than 3 times a week. Some people need to exercise 6-7 times a week to get really great results. If you really want to get very lean and achieve a fitness model type look, then you need to be doing cardio 6-7 times a week, for 40-45 minutes per session.


So these were some simple tips to help you burn stomach fat faster and more easily.And as you can see, there are a lot of things you can change. The main thing is not to lose hope when you are not able to burn stomach fat. The main thing is to track your progress and keep track of everything, so you could make the necessary changes to avoid fat los plateaus.


More proteins and moderate carbohydrate diet​


This kind of a diet works best for endomorphs, because a large percentage of endomorphs have varying degrees of insulin resistance and carbohydrate sensitivity. It will be very difficult for endomorphs to lose belly fat with a high carbohydrate and high fat diet. Refined and processed carbohydrates are easily converted into body fat and should therefore be avoided as much as possible (burn belly fat fast). So you should be avoiding them as much as possible, if you want to lose stomach fat. You should also greatly reduce your sugar intake, because sugar and endomorphs don't go together at all.

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